
Presentation format

New Article Format for NIDA Business Journal

1. Layout 8'x10 ½ '
     Keep the distance from the left edge and the right edge 2.5 cm.,Upper edge 2.5 cm, Bottom edge 2 cm, line spacing 19 P

2. Title
     Articles in English use font: TH Sarabun PSK_Bold Size 21 P Bold
     Thai article use font: TH Sarabun PSK_Bold Size 23 P Bold
     Place it in the center of the paper and away from the top edge 4.5 cm (line spacing 22P).

3. Name of author
     1 line spacing (Distance line 22P distance) from the title on the homepage.
     close right edge and must have * suffix first name - surmname only.
     English use font: TH Sarabun PSK_Bold 16p Bold
     Thai language use font: TH Sarabun PSK_Bold 16p Bold

4. Abstract(About 1/2 page but not more than 3 in 4 pages)
     English use font: TH Sarabun PSK_Bold Size 18P Bold
     Thai Language use font: TH Sarabun PSK_Bold Size 18 P Bold
     1 line distance from the author, content 19 P details, away from abstracts 1 line spacing 20 P

5. The article is aligned left.
     English use font: TH Sarabun PSK_Bold Size 18P Bold
     Thai Language use font: TH Sarabun PSK_Bold Size 18 P Bold

6. Content line detail
     The first line is far from the line 1 heading but printing the content.
     Articles in English use font: TH Sarabun PSK_Bold 16p Bold
     and the spacing of the print to use the system 1 line distance 19 P
     Articles in Thai use font : TH Sarabun PSK_Bold size 16P normal
     Paragraph of the article space 5 letters

7. Table or Graph
     If you have a table or graph, type the word "Table 1" or "Figure 1" in bold type, and type a table name. Name is printed in the usual size 16 P, details of the table and photo as appropriate. If there are notes and sources, type at the end of the table.

8. Footnote
     Append paper, Line spacing 12P
     English use the font: TH Sarabun PSK_regular Normal size 12P
     For Thai Articles use the font font: TH Sarabun PSK_ regular Normal size 12P

9. bibliography using font: TH Sarabun PSK_Bold Size 18P Bold
     align left at the front of the article, name in alphabetical order.
     First line aligns left, next line TAB 0.5 cm. content Description use font : TH Sarabun PSK 16P normal Line spacing 9p